Foshan New Town won the Best Project in lighting industry
Foshan China 2021-08-09 10:14

Recently, the closing meeting of the 9th Alighting Award "the Best Award" was successfully held online. The first phase of Foshan New Town Night View Lighting Project, which is located in the Shunde Area of Sanlongwan Innovation Cluster, has won the Best Project Award.

The Alighting Award is an authoritative award in the field of lighting launched by the Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition in 2013. It is known as the "Oscar Award" in the lighting industry. There are 219 entries in the Alighting Award, and finally 19 project awards were elected.


The awarded programme is the lighting project and the general control center of the riverside landscape of Foshan New Town. Through the organic integration of water sound, light and shadow, the three dynamic water screens in the riverside landscape belt present the urban cultural elements with Shunde characteristics, such as Cantonese opera, dragon boat and martial arts, which make the viewers feel like they are in a real scene.

Currently, the first and second phases of Foshan New Town Night View Lighting Project have been completed. Taking "water", "green", "light" and "shadow" as the main elements, night cruise as the series carrier, tower, Xinbao Square, Dragon Boat Square as the highlight area, nearly 10-kilometer-long urban landscape corridor and night economic belt have taken their shape. In the future, with the continuous advancement of Ten Thousand miles Greenway and Dongping River Axis Project, both sides of the river will continue to be upgraded and it will help to improve the urban environment of Foshan New Town.


Author | Eleanor

Revisor | Ivy, Jessica

Photo | Sanlongwan Night Cruise