​Foshan secured citizens aged from 12 to 17 for mass vaccination
Foshan China 2021-07-23 10:07

In accordance with COVID-19 vaccination plans designated by the central government and Guangdong Province, Foshan will work to widen the age range of vaccinees. Previously, the mass vaccination was only exclusive to residents aged from 18 to 59. Now, from late July to September, Foshan will take steps to ensure that those aged from 12 to 17 are vaccinated at the right timing.


Details on new mass vaccination in Foshan:

Stage 1 (late July): first dose of vaccination for those aged from 15 to 17 

Stage 2 (August): first dose of vaccination for those aged from 12 to 14; second dose of vaccination for those aged from 15 to 17 

Stage 3 (September): second dose of vaccination for those aged from 12 to 14


As steady efforts are made to get residents aged from 12 to 17 vaccinated, Foshan will continue to vaccinate those aged at 18 and above in a way that develops herd immunity as early as possible.


As stated by experts on prevention and control against COVID-19 at the State Council, the vaccines that both adults and children/teens receive are inactivated vaccines, with the same dosage and delivery system. Vaccination method also remains the same with adults, with two injections in between an interval of 21+ days.


Based on the usual living patterns of people aged from 12 to 17, they should be vaccinated in campus. Other than that, Foshan will also strive to improve medical security and vaccination services.


As testified by practice, vaccination is the most effective, convenient and economical protective solution against the virus. It is recommended that all parents and teens in Foshan cooperate and get themselves vaccinate timely. That would help a lot if we were to build an immunity system that protects everyone in Foshan.


Author | Jersey

Revisor | Jessica, Ivy