当老外遇上佛山煲汤文化、功夫、粤语、中医、酱油制造工艺等等,会碰撞出什么火花?他们用幽默风趣的脱口秀形式传播佛山文化,用海外观众喜闻乐见的创新方式来讲中国故事,一起来感受粤港澳大湾区文化的魅力吧!Tucked away inside the thriving Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Foshan, has become one of the ideal destinations for people from all around the world. For foreigners in Foshan, they could have experienced some funny stories in life, coming from different cultural upbringings. To share these experiences and insights, Laowai Wonder Why, invites two foreign guests living in Foshan, Ruben from America and Lisa from Russia, who shared all the fresh and fun stuffs they see in Foshan.

Unlock Multiple Ways to Enjoy Lingnan Fruit | Laowai Wonder Why

What exactly is Foshan "Broadway Show"? | Laowai Wonder Why

What's the secret to Foshan's manufacturing going global? | Laowai Wonder Why

Unveiling the Secret Behind Foshan's Name - Is it Truly 'Buddha Mountain'?

Numerous Ways for Foshan People to Turn Waste into Treasure | Laowai Wonder Why

What? Foshan KungFu Can Also Be Expressed Through Rap? | Laowai Wonder Why

Authentic Way to Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in Foshan丨Laowai Wonder Why

Soup? A cure-all for Foshan people? | Laowai Wonder Why①

Kungfu? A must for Foshan people? | Laowai Wonder Why②